Evaluation of metrological characteristics of the international reference value of the Earth orientation parameters

S.L. Pasynok

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (10) 2017, pages 151–166

Currently, the accuracy of the Earth orientation parameter determination characteristics (EOP) is determined as the analysis of difference of those EOP the errors of which are to be de-fined and international reference values of EOP formed by the International service of the Earth rotation and the coordinate reference systems (IERS). However, international reference values of EOP have errors with regard to unknown accuracy of EOP. The estimation of these errors on various data sources of IERS are evaluated in this work. It is shown that estimation errors carried out on differences between values of EOP of studied series and international reference values of IERS, starting from a certain threshold of the accuracy requirements indicate more about how well values under investigation of EOP are consistent with those of IERS than about real errors under investigation of EOP which are understood as their deviation from the accurate values.

Key words: determination of the Earth rotation parameters, reference values of ERP, RMS of the ideal measurements of comparisons.

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