The current number of the Almanac of 2022, No. 3 (31), is dedicated to the scientific basis of metrology.
Having presented two improved state primary standards, the journal moves on to describing high-precision instruments in such important areas of measurement as gravitational, electrical, radio measurements, hydroacoustic. Articles in the section “Metrology and metrological support” warn about the importance of the accuracy of measuring instruments.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (30) 2022
Important issues of the metrology development are raised in almost all sections of the current number — No. 2 (30) — of our almanac. We are talking about such important sections as “Measurements of time and frequency”, “Navigational measurements”, “Radio engineering measurements”, “Hydroacoustic measurements”, “Measurements of ionizing radiation parameters”, “Physical-mechanical measurements”, “Measuring devices. Problems of import substitution”.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (29) 2022
The first issue of this year’s “Almanac” No. 1 (29) begins with a foreword by the editor-in-chief.
Of undoubted interest should be a fundamental review of the team of authors on the state of development of mobile time and frequency standards for solving the problem of quantum leveling.
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