Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (18) 2019

The next, eighteenth — No. 2 (18) 2019, the Al’manac of Modern Metrology is mainly devoted to radio engineering measurements, sets the tasks of metrological support of this area, discusses prospects for the development of the main metrology problems in radio electronics, one of the most important parts of the system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the country.
Published works determine the main directions of development of radio engineering and radio electronic measurements at the present stage.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (17) 2019

The regular issue of the Al’manac (No. 1, 2019) — first this year, is devoted to one of the development priorities of the uniformity measurement system — to the development of the reference base of the Russian Federation. The authors of the articles are the scientists-keepers of state standards, who are at the forefront of raising the scientific and technical level of state standards of units of quantities, participating in improving the quality of metrological support for priority directions of science, technology and engineering.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (16) 2018

The sixteenth issue of the Almanac of Modern Metrology (fourth edition of 2018) raises a pressing issue of the day — ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the process of digital transformation of the economy. Coverage of the question is confirmed by the articles placed in the section of the almanac dedicated to the modernization of the reference base.
Section “Fundamental research” starts with an article about measurement of the spectral distribution of optical radiation by acousto-optical spectrometers.
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