Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (15) 2018

The largest part of the published works of the “Almanac of the Modern Metrology” fifteenth edition (third number this year), is mostly devoted to time-frequency measurements. First of all, among these works there is an article about the modernized re-confirmed State standard of time, frequency and national time scale. Attention is paid to the standard-bearers of the new generation playing an important role in transfer of accurate time values. Undoubtedly, a great practical interest is connected with the detailed work devoted to the regulatory base in the field of measurement of the Earth’s rotation parameters.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (13) 2018

The first issue of Almanac in 2018 is the thirteenth number of this publication.
Almanac devotes its pages to the research of measuring equipment, introduces methods for the development of measuring instruments, summarizes the experience of the creation and serial production of measuring instruments.
Two works focus on issues of practical metrology. The article is close to this section that deals with the metrological aspects of food security.
Contents of the issue