A regular publication of “Almanac of the Modern Metrology”, №14-2018, is devoted to mainly physical-chemical measurements. Importance of this kind of measurements is once again confirmed by the held last year scientific and technical conference on this matter.
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Category / NEW ISSUE
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (13) 2018
The first issue of Almanac in 2018 is the thirteenth number of this publication.
Almanac devotes its pages to the research of measuring equipment, introduces methods for the development of measuring instruments, summarizes the experience of the creation and serial production of measuring instruments.
Two works focus on issues of practical metrology. The article is close to this section that deals with the metrological aspects of food security.
Contents of the issue
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (12) 2017
12th issue of “Almanac of the Modern Metrology” (this year) is devoted to mainly temperature changes.
It’s becoming a tradition that most important events of metrological institute activity (following the Arabian definition of Al’manach as event calendar) define themes of the future issues of the journal.
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