V.K. Milyukov, A.S. Zhamkov, V.E. Zharov, O.A. Ivlev, I.M. Nesterin, V.K. Sysoev
1State astronomical Institute named after P. E. Sternberg Lomonosov Moscow state University, Moscow
2FSUE “NPO named after S. A. Lavochkin», Khimki, Moscow region
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (24) 2020, pages 296–215
The analysis of the Russian scientific and technical potential required for the implementation of the space constellation for precision monitoring of the Earth’s gravitational field is presented. It is shown that a number of technologies available from Russian manufacturers meet the requirements of the project, but in general, to achieve high technical requirements of the project, the level of modern technologies should be significantly increased. Nevertheless, the existing potential allows us to confidently predict the feasibility of such a project on the Russian technological basis.
Key words: space gravimetry; orbital SC constellation; laser interferomenty.
Full texts of articles are available only in Russian in printed issues of the magazine.