On the development of methods of unity of measurements of pressure of residual gas in vacuum using a quantum vacuummeter on ultracold atoms 6Li

M.L. Voskanov, N.P. Khatyrev

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (34) 2023, pages 12–18

Abstract. In connection with continuous scientific research and technology, there is a pos­sibi­lity of the emergence of standards for metrological support for the development of high-tech industries. In this paper, we are talking about pressure measurements of residual gases under conditions of high and very high vacuum. The article outlines possible options for using a unity measuring instru­ment by creating new means for measuring the pressure of residual gases using ultracold atoms of the 6Li isotope. There are also problems and advantages in collecting such measuring instruments as a reference.

Keywords: metrological support unity of measurements, ultracold atoms 6Li, pressure measu­rement of residual gases under high and extremely high vacuum conditions.

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