N.G. Dzhavadov, H.H. Asadov, A.E. Azizova
National Aerospace Agency, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (36) 2023, pages 79–86
Abstract. Oil spills having a temperature different from the elements of the surrounding background can be remotely detected by registering exactly the radiation that is characteristic of the radiation spectrum of crude oil. The purpose of this article is to optimize the well-known LANDSAT procedure by finding the potentially best ratio between Ts (temperature) and BTλ (brightness temperature) by a special selection of the dependence ελ = f (BTλ), where ελ is the radiancy. Based on the theoretical provisions of the OLI LANDSAT 8 IR survey procedures, a method for calibrating this meter using a matrix of test subsection is proposed ;
, where z is the degree of contamination; εj is the radiancy of the surface of the subsection.
An analytical condition for reaching the maximum of the signal of the measured value to increase the reliability of measuring the temperature of the object under study is obtained.
Keywords: brightness temperature, oil spills, surface temperature, radiancy, optimization.
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