The State Primary Standard of Units of Time, Frequency and National Time Scale of the Republic of Kazakhstan

S.B. Smagulov1,2

1Republican State Enterprise “Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology” (KazStandard), Astana, Kazakhstan;
2Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (37) 2024, pages 124–136

Abstract. The article provides brief historical information, a description of the State Primary Stan­dard of Time Units, Frequency and the National Time Scale of the Republic of Ka­zakhstan. Com­pa­ra­tive assessments of the metrological characteristics of the stan­dard before and after improvement mea­sure­ments are presented.

Keywords: state primary standard, time, frequency, characteristics, improvement, natio­nal time scale, UTC(KZ).

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