Determination of signal processing parameters in an electro-optical stroboscopic measuring system

A.A. Beloborodov, K.O. Suslova

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;,

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 8–17

Abstract. A study was carried out on the reception and processing of an optical signal in an electro-optical installation. To determine the influence of the parameters of the components, modeling was carried out in the MATLAB and LTspice. During the work, a serious impact of the size of the dark current was discovered. To reduce the influence, averaging of 10 000 times was used for each sample and the chopper modulation frequency was chosen to be 5 kHz.

Keywords: optoelectronics, picosecond pulse, laser, photodiode, oscilloscope.

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