Investigation of the possibility of measuring the characteristics of the Earth’s gravitational field inhomogeneity from the board of a nano-satellite using signals from navigation satellite systems

V.F. Fateev, E.A. Karaush, V.P. Lopatin

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 26–46

Annotation. The article considers the possibility of measuring the components of def­lection of the vertical in the Earth’s gravity field based on the use of signals from GNSS navigation spacecraft received on board of a low-orbit geodetic satellite. In this case, two directions of measurements are selected: by signals from spacecraft located at the ends of the tangent to the orbit (ahead and behind the satellite), as well as at the ends of the normal to the orbit (to the left and to the right of the satellite’s orbital plane). The measured quantities are small Doppler shifts of radio emissions from navigation satellites caused by the horizontal components of the gravitational acceleration vector of the low-orbit satel­lite due to deflection of the vertical. Estimates of the achievable measurement pre­cision are given. The results of modeling the visibility of the geodetic and navigation satellites are presented. Modeling has shown that with the simultaneous use of signals from all GNSS (GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, BeiDou, etc.), the number of visible navigation satellites in four limited sectors measuring ± 5° along the tangent and along the normal to the orbit during the day can reach 50–60 in each sector.

Keywords: gravitational acceleration, deflection of the vertical, navigation signals, geodetic satellite.

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