Program for decomposition of given rank tensor on irreducible representations of a group of linear transformations GL(n) 

S.L. Pasynok

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 126–132

Abstract. The program for decomposition of given rank tensor on irreducible repre­sentations of a group of linear transformations in Euclidean space of given dimension is developed. As the result of program work, the decomposition on components with strong Young symmetry as well as number of its independent components are formed. Coef­fici­ents of decomposition are presented as the irreducible fraction. The file with decomposition for LaTeX editor is formed too. For example, the decomposition of 4-rank tensor in 11-dimention Euclidean space, formed by program, is presented.

Keywords: subroutine, irreducible representations, group GL(n).

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