Obtaining an empirical model of a closed dosimetric installation based on the results of statistical processing of retrospective data

V.A. Styazhkin

Scientific and Technical Committee (Metrological Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), Moscow, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 147–160

Abstract. The relevance of radiation safety issues is shown by modeling the conditions for measuring the characteristics of ionizing radiation. An approach to obtaining an empirical model of a closed dosimetric installation based on the results of statistical processing of retrospective data is proposed, ways of its implementation and application in practice are determined. A general algorithm of the proposed UPD-INTER verification technique is presented, taking into account the quasi-linear properties of the elements of the obtained empirical model.

Keywords: reference dosimetric installations, ionizing radiation field, inverse square law, mathematical model, empirical model.

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