A.E. Isaev, A.N. Matveyev, G.S. Nekrich, A.M. Polikarpov
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (17) 2019, pages 116–136
To substantiate the possibility of transferring the unit across the field to the receiver of the oscillating velocity of the particles of the aquatic environment under conditions of a reverberant hydroacoustic water tank, a technique is proposed based on introducing a “reference” distortion into the direct wave of the radiator by the wave reflected from the water-air interface. The proposed technique in combination with the processing by the method of SCVU allowed to experimentally establish the ability to allocate the vector value of the radiator’s direct wave in the reverberation sound field of the water tank and use a continuous band signal in the GET 55-2017 to transmit a unit of oscillating velocity at frequencies from 1 to 10 kHz.
Key words: receiver of the oscillatory velocity of particles of the aquatic environment, field calibration, continuous band-pass signal, reverberation sound field of the water tank, method of sliding complex weighted averaging.
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