M.M. Murzabekov, V.F. Fateev, V.P. Lopatin
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 53–63
Abstract. The key feature in the creation and testing of autonomous navigation systems using the Earth’s magnetic field (EMF) is the need to reduce (extend “up” or “down”) the reference map of the anomalous EMF to the flight altitude of the navigation object. A review of the literature showed that the most commonly used method for reducing the map of the anomalous EMF at present is the method based on the Fourier transform. The paper examines the mathematical ratio of this method and the features of its use in reducing “up” and “down” the map of the anomalous magnetic field using real data. Examples of reducing the map of the anomalous magnetic field are given.
Keywords: Earth’s magnetic field, Fourier method, map reduction.
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