Automated system for filling cavity chambers with gases to reproduce units of absorbed dose and the rate of absorbed dose of neutron radiation

S.G. Fedorov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 107–113

Abstract. The article discusses the ionization method of reproducing units of absorbed dose and absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation using ionization chambers and a pro­portional counter. The main topic is improving the accuracy of measurements by using high-purity gas, minimizing errors associated with pressure and temperature, and auto­mating the process of filling the chamber with gas. The attention is drawn to the need to maintain the purity of the working gas, reduce impurities of electronegative gases and accurately control the pressure. The developed system for filling the chambers with gases and the use of high-purity gas made it possible to significantly improve the metrological characteristics of the measuring complex and reduce the measurement error to 0,5 %.

Keywords: absorbed dose, ionization method, precision pressure sensor, neutron radia­tion.

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