A.E. Isaev
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 127–145
Abstract. The article discusses the achievements made by the 70th anniversary of VNIIFTRI, the capabilities of the created standard base and the areas of work to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the field of hydroacoustics and medical ultrasound. The article touches upon the requirements for measurement standards and metrological characteristics, the problems and prospects of measuring vector quantities of underwater sound and the creation of vector receivers, new hydrophones and measuring platforms. The article discusses ways to improve the accuracy of vector-phase measurements, methods for measuring scalar quantities, the prospects for developing measuring test site and the use of the opportunities provided by the new multifunctional metrological water tank of VNIIFTRI. The situation, formed with international comparisons and possible negative consequences, are considered. The pressing need for standardization of measuring instruments and methods in the field of underwater sound and medical ultrasound is noted.
Keywords: VNIIFTRI anniversary, hydroacoustic measurements, measurement standards, vector-phase methods, receivers of vector and scalar quantities, measuring test sites, multi¬functional metrological water tank, prospects for metrological support.
Full texts of articles are available only in Russian in printed issues of the magazine.
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