Research and analysis of nuclear physics installations and neutron fields for forming requirements for the means of transmissing the absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation

S.G. Fedorov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 161–169

Abstract. In this paper, the author presents a rationale for the need to develop means for transmitting a unit of absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation to installations used in neutron radiation therapy. The author has studied and analyzed the main methods for recording neutron radiation in mixed gamma-neutron fields. The paper describes the metrological and technical features that impose restrictions on existing methods for reproducing and transmitting a unit of absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation. The work was carried out on the design, development and manufacture of a neutron radiation absorbed dose rate meter for transmitting units to installations used in neutron radiation therapy, based on a registration unit whose operating principle is based on the scintil­lation method. The paper describes the design of a neutron radiation absorbed dose rate meter. The developed measuring instrument made it possible to ensure the transfer of a unit of absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation in mixed gamma-neutron fields in the energy range from 0.05 to 14 MeV in the range of absorbed dose rates from 2 · 10−10 to 2 · 10−3 Gy ∙ s−1 to installations used in practice in neutron radiation therapy for the treat­ment of oncological diseases.

Keywords: absorbed dose, radiation therapy, standard, transmission medium, scintil­lation method, neutron radiation.

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