I.Yu. Blinov, S.L. Pasynok, I.V. Bezmenov, I.Yu. Ignatenko, E.N. Tsyba, N.A. Vostruhov, N.P. Redkina, A.N. Sinev, E.V. Sysak, M.A. Chinilina, V.R. Sсhlegel, A.G. Zhestkov
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (13) 2018, pages 9–61
The present article contains results of the annual analysis of results of immediate determination of Earth rotational parameters (ERP) in the Main metrological centre of State service of Time and Frequency in 2017 year based on results of works of the Main metrological centre of the State service time and frequency and determination of ERP (MMC SSTF) in the part of determination and forecast of ERP.
Key words: MMC SSTF, Earth rotational parameters.
Full texts of articles are available only in Russian in printed issues of the magazine.