Development and calculation of the test mass suspension system for the laser interferometric intersatellite rangefinder setup of gravitational wave antenna SOIGA-2

A.O. Dolgodush, S.S. Donchenko, R.A. Davlatov, P.G. Kharlamov, E.A. Karaush, Y.V. Gostev, D.A. Sokolov, E.A. Lavrov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia,,,,,,,

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (25) 2021, pages 96–108

Annotation. The article presents an analysis of test mass suspension systems in foreign projects of gravitational wave detectors. Based on the results of the analysis, the design of the suspension system based on torsional weights for the ground setup of the space gravitational wave antenna project SOIGA-2. To test the basic design solutions, a model of the suspension system was assembled and experimental studies were carried out. On the basis of experimental studies of the model, the efficiency of the proposed approach to the construction of a test mass suspension system was confirmed. Also, the design parameters were refined to improve the vibration isolation of test masses.

Key words: suspension of proof masses, suspension, gravitational wave detector, space gravitational wave antenna, interferometric rangefinder, ground test stand, experiment.

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