V.F. Fateev
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (23) 2020, pages 11–52
The article discusses the relativistic theory of the quantum level and the “Quantum footstock” network. The operation principle of the system is based on measuring the relativistic effects of time dilation and gravitaty frequency shift using highly stable atomic clock with a relative instability less than 10–17. Expressions are obtained for determining orthometric heights and their differences using quantum levels based on stationary and mobile atomic clocks. Relativistic relations are presented for quantum levels synchronization systems based on the method of relativistic synchronization and fiber-optic communication lines. The errors of measurements caused by tides, irregularity rotation of the Earth and anomalies of the Earth’s gravitational field, the relative value of which exceeds 10–19, are considered.
Key words: quantum level, relativistic expressions, orthometric height, theory, method, errors.
Full texts of articles are available only in Russian in printed issues of the magazine.