I.Yu. Blinov, A.F. Kurchanov, V.V. Pyavkina, A.S. Salnikov
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (23) 2020, pages 115–127
The dependences of the amplitude of the CPT effect discriminator on the laser wavelength were experimentally obtained, allowing choosing the optimal wavelength corresponding to the maximum steepness of the quantum discriminator both for cells with a natural mixture of rubidium (Rb) isotopes and with isotopically pure Rb87. It was found that in a cell with natural Rb the expressed maximum of the discriminator amplitude corresponds to the laser wavelength, which does not coincide with the peak of the D1 line in the absorption spectrum of the Rb87 isotope (in the presence of microwave modulation of the laser wavelength). It was revealed that the laser wavelength corresponding to the maximum of the discriminator amplitude approximately coincides with the inflection point in the absorption spectrum in the cell with natural Rb, which is fundamentally different from the cell with Rb87. The features of the manufacturing technology of cells with natural rubidium are described, the possibility of creating a small-sized quantum frequency standard on that basis, which can be important in serial production, is discussed.
Key words: coherent population trapping, small-sized cell with natural rubidium, quantum frequency standard.
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