V.F. Fateev, A.O. Dolgodush
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (23) 2020, pages 171–177
The use of a mechanical vibration system of two orthogonal gravity-free rods with sensitive masses at the ends to determine the direction to a concentrated disturbing mass near the surface of the Earth is considered. The azimuth of the disturbing mass can be measured by the value of the constant component obtained by multiplying the output signal of the system with the reference signal from the drive motor, as well as by the phase difference of the output and reference signals.
In both cases, the measurement results are weakly dependent on the quality factor of the vibrational systems of the rods and the scale coefficients of the information retrieval systems.
The method can be used in navigation systems for anomalies of the Earth’s gravitational field, in mineral wealth search systems, as well as for orientation along the fields of the Sun and Moon in isolated autonomous systems.
Key words: gravity-free rods, end sensitive masses, gravitational field, measurement method.
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