Important issues of the metrology development are raised in almost all sections of the current number — No. 2 (30) — of our almanac. We are talking about such important sections as “Measurements of time and frequency”, “Navigational measurements”, “Radio engineering measurements”, “Hydroacoustic measurements”, “Measurements of ionizing radiation parameters”, “Physical-mechanical measurements”, “Measuring devices. Problems of import substitution”.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (29) 2022
The first issue of this year’s “Almanac” No. 1 (29) begins with a foreword by the editor-in-chief.
Of undoubted interest should be a fundamental review of the team of authors on the state of development of mobile time and frequency standards for solving the problem of quantum leveling.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (28) 2021
The running issue of the “Almanac of Modern Metrology” 4 (28) is the fourth issue this year. The foreword to this issue deals with the development of new high-precision methods and measuring instruments at VNIIFTRI.
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