The running issue of the “Almanac of Modern Metrology” 3 (27) is the third issue this year. It opens with a foreword, which raises the important problem of ensuring the reliability of measurements in health care, which is the most crucial task of the present day.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (26) 2021
The running issue of the “Almanac of Modern Metrology” 2 (26) is the second issue this year. The foreword of this issue raises topical issues of technological breakthroughs in measurement accuracy.
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Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (25) 2021
The regular issue of the “Almanac of Modern Metrology” 1 (25) is the first issue this year. The beginning is devoted to topical issues of metrological and fundamental support of the GLONASS system. The issue highlights the problems of navigational measurements, gives the results of measurements of high dynamic pressures.
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