On the issue of methods and means of autonomous navigation through the geophysical fields of the Earth

M.M. Murzabekov, V.F. Fateev, I.S. Silvestrov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
murzabekov@vniiftri.ru, generalfat@mail.ru

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (38) 2024, pages 30–32

Abstract. The article presents the main thematic areas and issues of the upcoming con­ference “Methods and Means of Navigation in Geophysical Fields”, affecting the creation of an integrated autonomous navigation system, including a GNSS navigation device, an inertial navigation system and meters of parameters of the Earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields.

Keywords: autonomous navigation system, gravitational and magnetic fields of the Earth, inertial navigation system, conference.

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