D.V. Averkin, M.A. Averkina, D.M. Balakhanov
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 47–56
Abstract. The article presents the results of work on the development of domestic measures of particle sizes in a liquid based on monodisperse polystyrene latex spheres. A method for the synthesis of a series of particle size measurements in a liquid by emulsion polymerization with the use of sodium stearate as an emulsifier is proposed. Material measures of particle sizes in a liquid with a nominal particle size value of 0.2 microns (MRH-0.2), 0.3 microns (MRH-0.3), 0.4 microns (MRH-0.4) and 0.5 microns (MRH-0.5) with values of relative error in reproducing the size (average diameter) of particles within ±5 % are produced.
Key words: particle, polystyrene latexes, microemulsion, suspension, GET 163-2020, material measure, colloidal particle.
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