Indirect spectral-interval method for CO2 absorption band measurements to determine photosynthesis activity of vegetative landscape

H.H. Asadov, Y.Dj. Suleymanova, Kh.S. Aliyeva, S.S. Aliyeva

National Aerospace Agency, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 57–65

Abstract. The article describes modified spectral method for measuring CO2 con­centration to determine the activity of photosynthesis processes in the vegetative landscape, in view of water vapors, as well as atmospheric aerosol effect on the width of the carbon dioxide absorption line at a wavelength of 2.7 μm. The relevance of the work is described by necessity for prompt determination of the activity of photosynthesis processes in vege­tation fields of the landscape by conducting remote spectral measurements.

Keywords: vegetation landscape, measurements, carbon dioxide, photosynthetic activity, indirect measurements, random error.

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