Investigation of effective angular momentum functions of Earth’s fluids for increasing of the Earth’s orientation parameters prediction accuracy

S.L. Pasynok

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 119–125

 Abstract. The investigations of the Main Metrological Center of the State Service for Time, Frequency and Earth Orientation Parameters (MMC SSTF) to increase ways of EOP prediction are necessary, especially for UT1–UTC prediction, because the require­ments to SSTF EOP prediction accuracy grows. One of this way is using the Earth’s fluids effective angular momentum functions (EAM) for prediction which disseminated by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS).
To assess the possibilities of their use, first of all, it is necessary to obtain and analyze (which was done in this article) the residual part of the values UT1–UTC which is obtained after subtraction from the values published by the IERS, the models of zonal tides, the seasonal component and the values, obtained using the EAM functions of the Earth’s fluids which published by the IERS.
As a result of the analysis, it was shown that, although the using of the functions of the effective angular momentum of the Earth fluids improves the precalculation of UT1–UTC values, however, irregular variations still remain, which make the main contribution to the error of medium- and long-term prediction. It is proposed to use adaptive methods to predict them.

Keywords: EOP, Universal Time, rotation, prediction.

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