Assessment of measurement and production process capabilities based on MSA and SPC methods

D.S. Vlasova1, A.I. Soiko1, Y.V. Denisova2

1 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KAI), Kazan, Russia;
2 Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia;,,

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (39) 2024, pages 133–146

Abstract. This article proposes a methodology for assessing the capabilities of measu­rement and production processes based on MSA and SPC methods. It is shown that the use of convergence and reproducibility indices %GRRUL, ndc и Cp (Cpk) allows one to evaluate the capabilities of both the used measuring equipment and the product manu­facturing process. This technique was tested on the example of the production of flange bearing housings, and practical recommendations are given to improve production and measurement processes.

Keywords: measurement process variability, process capability indices, measures of convergence and reproducibility, analysis of variance.

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