Study of the system of primary cooling of strontium atoms in optical frequency standards

A.V. Kohanov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 8–17

Abstract. The article presents a method for determining the integral fluorescence intensity of an atomic cloud using a digital CCD camera. The distribution of strontium atoms over energy levels in the primary cooling system of the optical frequency standard is calculated. A study was carried out of the expansion of a cloud of atoms in a magneto-optical trap after the primary cooling system was turned off. Based on the nature of the expansion, the lifetime of the atomic cloud was determined as 1.4 ∙ 10−3 s.

Keywords: laser cooling of atoms, strontium atom, CCD camera, Zeeman cooling.

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