V.F. Fateev, V.P. Lopatin, A.S. Zavgorodniy
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 64–88
Abstract. The aim of the experiment was to confirm the possibility of direct measurement of the gravitational shift in the frequency of the signal of a navigation spacecraft at the traverse point relative to a ground-based measuring station. This frequency shift contains information about the orthometric height of the ground measurement point. At the traverse point, the significant first-order Doppler effect disappears, which increases the measurement accuracy. Signals from several GPS satellites were used in the experiment. The ground-based radiotechnical measuring station is equipped with a receiving antenna with a diameter of 12 m, and is geographically combined with highly stable, thermostabilized reference quantum clocks Ch-1003 with a relative instability of 10−15. The reference time scale is synchronized with the time scale of the State Primary Standard for Time and Frequency Units and the National Time Scale GET 1-2022. An analysis of instrumental and methodological errors in measuring the frequency shift of satellite radiation near the traverse point was carried out. Such experiments have not been conducted to date. The achieved error so far exceeds the expected values. The authors are working on methods to reduce it.
Keywords: gravitational frequency shift, spacecraft, traverse point, quantum clock.
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