D.V. Averkin, M.A. Averkina, D.M. Balakhanov, V.I. Dobrovolskiy
FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia;
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (40) 2024, pages 97–106
Abstract. The article presents the results of work on the development of domestic material measures of particle sizes in liquids based on monodisperse polystyrene latex beads. The method for synthesis of a series of particle size material measures in liquids by emulsion polymerization with the use of sodium stearate as the emulsifier is proposed. Material measures of particle sizes in liquids with a nominal particle size value of 0.6 microns (MRH-0.6), 0.7 microns (MRH-0.7), 0.8 microns (MRH-0.8) and 1 microns (MRH-1) with values of relative error in reproducing the size (average diameter) of particles within ±5 % are produced. The results of research within the framework of pattern approval tests are presented.
Keywords: particle, polystyrene latexes, microemulsion, suspension, GET 163-2020, standard sample, emulsion polymerization, colloidal particle.
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