S.M. Osadchy, B.G. Potapov, K.D. Pilipenko
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (12) 2017, pages 15–42
The frequencies of acoustic and microwave resonanse of a quasi-spherical acoustic resonator filled with helium have been measured at the temperature of triple point of water. Resonator maintained near the temperature of the triple point of water and filled with helium. The value of the universal gas costant R=8,3144715 J mol-1 ·K−1 with standart uncertainty 1,4 ppm and the Boltzmann constant kB =1,3806505·10–23 J·K−1 with standart uncertainty 1,4 ppm has been obtained.
Key words: quasispherical resonator, helium, universal gas constant, Bolzman constant, acoustic gas thermometry.
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