S.M. Osadchy, B.G. Potapov
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (12) 2017, pages 65–73
The FSUE VNIIFTRI has been developed and certified for compliance with the mandatory metrological and technical requirements for the content and use of the state standard “State Standard of the unit for the density of radiation heat flux in the range from 5 to 2500 kW / m2“. The series of heat flow sensors has been calibrated. The results of the calibration of the sensor made on the GET 197-2011 reference FSUE “VNIIOFI” were compared with the calibration performed on the developed standard with the density of the radiation heat flux of 5 kW / m2.
Key words: radiative heat flux, radiative heat flux sensor, radiometer-calorimeter.
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