V.F. Fateev
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (9) 2017, pages 78–109
Relativistic time and frequency offsets for the satellite atomic clocks with regard to the ground ones include the following components: the offset determined by variable orbital parameters of the satellite and by gravitational potential in the point of placing the ground-based stationary clock; the offset is like an impact of the heterogeneous nature of the Earth`s gravitational field; the offset caused by the tidal potential of the Moon and the Sun; and the offset also caused by the irregularity of the Earth`s rotation. Two relativistic synchronization methods for onboard and ground atomic clocks based on compensation of considered time-and-frequency offset are shown.
Key words: ground and satellite atomic clocks, frequency and time, gravitational field, scale transformation coefficient, formulas, relativity shift, Bessel functions, eccentric anomaly.
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