On the reference and primary reference measurement procedures that are traceable to measurement scales

S.V. Alekhin, A.S. Doynikov

FSUE «VNIIFTRI», Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (26) 2021, pages 148–157

Annotation. The article discusses the problematic issues of ensuring metrological traceability from the standpoint of the theory of measurement scales. The definitions and meaning of the terms “traceability”, “metrological traceability” and “metrological traceability to a unit” are analyzed, it is shown that “traceability to a measurement scale” is a more general concept in relation to “traceability to a measurement unit”.
The article substantiates the position that measurement scales are universal bases for compa­rison of measurement results in order to ensure metrological traceability, while primary reference measurement procedures, reference measurement procedures are considered as implementations of measurement scales of corresponding quantities and non-dimensional (qualitative) properties of measurement objects.
It is shown that it is necessity of revise the definitions of a number of metrological terms: measurable property, measurement scale, primary reference measurement procedure, metrological traceability and to introduce a certain concept “basis for comparison” not only for quantitative properties (quantities) but also for non-dimensional (qualitative) properties.

Key words: metrological traceability, measurable property, basis for comparison, measurement scale, primary reference measurement procedure, reference measurement procedure.

Full texts of articles are available only in Russian in printed issues of the magazine.