Letter to the Editor: Issues of metrological assurance of measurements in areas of activity that contribute to improving the quality of human life

E.V. Kulyabina1, O.N. Melkova1, T.V. Kulyabina2, V.V. Morozova1, 3, V.Yu. Morozov4

1 FSBI “VNIIMS”, Moscow, Russia
2 Independent consultant, St. Petersburg, Russia
3 Student, Fresno State University, California, USA
4 Kama Karton LLC, Perm, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (33) 2023, pages 125–130

Abstract. The paper highlights the regulation of aging, the problem of creating tools and methods for metrological support of measurements performed in areas of human activity that affect the quality of life, analyzes the state and level of metrological support for laboratory medicine and bioanalysis.

Keywords: quality of life, metrological support, laboratory medicine, SARS-CoV-2 GSO, PRMP of α-amylase catalytic concentration, GSO of human mitochondrial DNA.

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