Prospects for the development of means for measuring the mass concentration of aerosol particles in the Russian Federation

D.I. Belenkii, T.M. Magomedov, D.M. Balakhanov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (33) 2023, pages 311–314

Abstract. The paper describes the state of affairs in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measu­rements of the mass concentration of aerosol particles in the Russian Federation. The definition of indicative measurements is given and the world experience in the use of indicators in environmental monitoring networks is described. The necessity of adopting relevant regulatory documents in the Russian Federation in order to introduce the concept of “indicative measurements” is shown.

Keywords: mass concentration of particles, counting concentration of particles, aerosols, indicators, monitoring, dust, instrumentation.

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