Experiment for obtaining a quadruple value of the gravitational frequency shift in a stand on the basis of a hydrogen quantum clock

V.F. Fateev, F.R. Smirnov, V.P. Lopatin

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (34) 2023, pages 134–140

Abstract. In order to improve the accuracy of measuring the gravitational frequency shift, a two-channel measuring stand using two highly stable hydrogen quantum clocks, two FOCL and two frequency comparators was implemented. During the experiment using both channels simul­taneously, two independent effects of the doubling of the gravitational shift were simultaneously measured, the difference between which gives a quadruple value of the gravitational frequency shift. Data on increasing the accuracy of measurements of the difference of gravitational potentials and orthometric heights in the gravitational field of the Earth using the quadruple gravitational effect are presented.

Keywords: gravitational frequency shift, gravitational potential, orthometric height.

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