Features of Earth’s axial rotation

S.L. Pasynok

MMC SSTF FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (34) 2023, pages 151–166

Abstract. The difference UT1–UTC stopped it’s decreasing with time from 2021 after adding last leap second in UTC and variation of the mean yearly angular velocity of Earth’s rotation achieved the positive value for first time in the last 60 years. Situation in 2022 was the same. It was a reason for publication series about principal changes in Earth’s axial rotation. So, there is a need of publication which explain about modern data of Earth’s angular rotation and about it’s main features.
The common features of length of day variation and Earth’s angular rotation variation are considered in this paper.

Key words: EOP, Universal time, rotation.

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