The main directions of development of the means of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the electric field intensity in the frequency range from 0 to 20 kHz

S.T. Parinov

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (16) 2018, pages 54–69

Currently, there is a rapid development of measuring instruments of the electric field strength (EFS) in the frequency range from 0 to 20 kHz and a constant increasing demand for corresponding means of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
In this regard, the discussion of the main directions in development of highest accuracy measuring systems in this field of measurements, as well as methods and means of transmitting the size of a unit of electric field intensity is of great interest.
The subject of this work is the discussion of the main directions of improvement of the State special standard GET 158-96 based on the results of a study of the state of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the electric field intensity in the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as methods for transferring the size of the EFS unit.
As a result of consideration of possible variants for improving the GET 158-96, the need for
a fundamental change in the principles of constructing a reference electric field generator was found out. The possibility of transferring the size of a unit by the dipole weakening method of EFS is also considered.

Key words: standard, electric field strength, electric field generator, dynamic range, frequency range, error.

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