System of counter comparison time scales

O.V. Kolmogorov, D.V. Prohorov, S.S. Donchenko, A.N. Schipunov, S.G. Buev

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 1 (9) 2017, pages 110–116

Method of remote ground-based objects time scales comparison and synchronization by means of oncoming comparisons system via the fiber-optical communication line is offered. On each of objects optical pulses are emitted into the fiber-optical line, timepoints of pulses radiation and timepoints of pulses reception, received via the fiber-optical line from other object, in a time scale of each object are defined. On the basis of obtained data the objects time scales divergence is defined. The scheme of the system, realizing the specified method is offered and the possibility of time scales synchronization with uncertainly less 100 ps is shown.

Key words: time scales, comparison and synchronization, optic fiber communication line, impulses.

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