Methods of measurement the transmission-line parameters. Testing the cable connectors with spatially different connectors

V.G. Guba, O.N. Bykova, A.A. Savin, S.A. Zaostorvnykh

OOO NPK TAIR, Tomsk; TUSUR, Tomsk; OOO Planar, Chelyabinsk, Russia,,,

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 2 (18) 2019, pages 158–170

This paper is a combination of engineering approach, metrology and science. The method of testing and measuring the scattering parameters of cable connections with spatially separated connectors using a vector network analyzer and an autonomous module of automatic calibration is considered. An algorithm has been developed for processing measurement results and generating estimates, control software, as well as software for studying the metrological characteristics of the proposed method. Experimental studies of the method were performed when testing two-port and four-port transmission lines.

Key words: measurement methods, transmission lines, spatially separated connectors, testing the cable connections.

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