About the role of comparisons in GET 55 improvement

A.E. Isaev, A.M. Polikarpov

FSUE “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleevo, Moscow region

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 3 (19) 2019, pages 91–111

The goals, tasks and features of the international and key comparisons of the SPS GET 55, made since putting the standard into operation, are discussed. Using the example of the GET 55, problem situations that may arise during international comparisons and approaches to their resolution are considered. Attention is paid to the results of both the comparisons themselves and the studies carried out during preparation for them, as well as the opportunities provided by international comparisons to improve the SPS.

Key words: standard, key comparisons, research, improvement, hydrophones, digital equipment, sources of errors, uncertainty budget, calibration.

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