Study of the equivalent level of interference in the measurement of antenna characteristics in the near zone

N.V. Anyutin

FSUE «VNIIFTRI», Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (28) 2021, pages 134–139

Annotation. Using the developed mathematical model of measurements on antenna measuring complexes of the near zone, the uncertainties of measurements external characteristics of antennas: of the gain, amplitude and phase angular patterns, the level of cross-polarization and the coeffi­cient of ellipticity were estimated. The connection between measurement uncertainties external characteristics of antennas and the uncertainty of reconstructing the electromagnetic field in the far zone is investigated. A method is proposed for expressing the measurement uncertainty of all external characteristics of antennas through a single characteristic — the equivalent level of interference.

Key words: antennas, uncertainties, gain, amplitude and phase angular patterns.

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