Al’manac of Modern Metrology is a scientific and technical periodically printed magazine intended for researchers and workers of the metrological services of organizations involved in the development of scientific, regulatory and technical foundations for the metrological support of complex technical systems, methods and means of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the country.
The magazine is established and published since 2014 by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Metrological Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Engineering Measurements” (FGUP “VNIIFTRI”), a widely-known research organization in Russia and abroad, which has the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation and the State Scientific Metrological Institute. Currently, FGUP “VNIIFTRI” conducts about one third of the state primary standards of Russia, conducts fundamental and applied research for the purpose of outstripping development of the country’s reference base, provides a wide range of services in the field of ensuring uniformity of measurements for research organizations and industry, and actively participates in international cooperation.
Al’manac of Modern Metrology is published in the Russian language with summary in English.
Territory of distribution: the Russian Federation.
Periodicity publication: four issues per year.
SAC Magazine
By the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission (SAC) of the Russian Federation in 2019, the Al’manac of Modern Metrology was included in the “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations in support of academic title of candidate of sciences and of academic title of doctor of science should be published.”
Until October 13, 2022, our journal published articles on the following specialties of the Supreme Attestation Commission:
05.11.01 Instruments and methods of measurement (by type of measurement);
05.11.03 Navigation instruments;
05.11.06 Acoustic instruments and systems;
05.11.08 Radio measuring instruments;
05.11.13 Instruments and methods for monitoring the natural environment, substances, materials and products;
05.11.15 Metrology and metrological support
in the group of specialties 05.11.00 “Instrumentation, metrology and information-measuring instruments and systems” (branch — “Engineering sciences”).
Since October 13, 2022, the peer-reviewed scientific publication Al’manac of Modern Metrology has been included in the List of Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications in which the main results of dissertations in support of candidature for a technical degree, for a doctor’s degree in accordance with the new nomenclature of scientific specialties (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 118 dated February 24, 2021) from the groups of specialties (branch — “Engineering sciences”):
2.2. Electronics, photonics, instrumentation and communications in the following specialties:
2.2.4. Instruments and methods of measurement (by type of measurement);
2.2.5. Navigation instruments;
2.2.8. Methods and instruments for monitoring and diagnosing materials, products, substances and the natural environment;
2.2.10. Metrology and metrological support;
2.2.14. Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies;
1.3. Physical sciences:
1.3.7. Acoustics.
Since January 1, 2024, the magazine is included in K2 category.
Topics for covering
The magazine covers the following topics:
- Metrology problems. Hypotheses, discoveries.
- Fundamental research in metrology.
- Metrological research: searches, new solutions.
- The development of the reference base.
- New priorities of modern metrology.
- Measuring base for the study of material properties.
- Questions of verification activities.
- Problems of practical metrology.
- Regulatory aspects of metrology.
- Formation and development of metrological directions.
- International cooperation in the field of metrology.
- Time-frequency measurements and GLONASS.
- Years, events, people (founders of metrological directions).
- Symposiums, conferences, creativity of metrologists.
- New books on metrology.
Al’manac of Modern Metrology strives to expand the circle of metrological problems considered in the magazine, while retaining the main focus on solving the issues of ensuring uniformity of measurements when carrying out metrological activities in a wide range of areas of the modern economy.
The editorial board invites all who is interested in the study of ways and methods of solving these important problems for active cooperation.
Al’manac of Modern Metrology offers effective and mutually beneficial cooperation to authors, reviewers, representatives of scientific institutions, universities and other educational institutions.
Magazine base principles
With the expansion of the scope of works on metrological support of key sectors of the economy, social sphere, priority areas of science, engineering and technology, there is a growing need for information on the results of metrological research and activities that provide increase of accuracy and expansion of measurement ranges. The providing this information is the main purpose of Al’manac of Modern Metrology since its founding by the editorial board and the VNIIFTRI management.
The Al’manac editorial staff pays great attention to the publication of materials on the results of fundamental research on the reproduction of physical quantities, on the development of certain types of measurements, and on developing new generation standards.
Particular attention is paid to modern measurement technologies. The state of the reference base — the basis of the scientific and technical complex for metrological support of the country’s economy, main directions of its modernization over the last period — is described in detail. Here, special attention is paid to comparisons of state standards, which play an extremely important role in the international recognition of the measurement capabilities of our country.
The pages of the Al’manac highlight current issues of metrological control and monitoring, including environmental monitoring.
Sufficient attention is paid to the development of verification equipment.
The Al’manac introduces new regulatory documents on metrology, new books on metrology, out of print.
Historical materials on certain stages of metrology development and articles about its outstanding representatives occupy a definite place.
Magazine pecularities
The editors and authors shall take into account the responsibility of metrology for creating an effective and comprehensive system ensuring the uniformity and accuracy of measurements in the country. That is why the articles are so important for the Al’manac, deeply and comprehensively covering the problems associated with the development of certain types of measurements, in particular, with metrological support and the GLONASS system, metrological control, metrological activities that respond to the challenge of the day (for a reason there is a special place in the journal for the section “Metrological research. Searches, new solutions”).
The authors are not limited in the volume of publications. This applies both to scientific reviews and to works that highlight the details of the experiments performed, analysis of the results obtained, etc. But the edition is not in this framework. Other publications are possible. In particular, articles on argumentative issues are accepted with interest.
Types of publications
The magazine seeks to publish on its pages not only original scientific articles containing the results of fundamental and theoretical and applied research, but also review articles by leading experts on the remit of the journal, professional reviews of new books and scientific research, materials of scientific events, discussions and round tables devoted to issues of the magazine.
Rules for sending articles are given in the “For authors” section of the website.