L.N. Zherikhina1, G.N. Izmaïlov2, V.V. Ozolin2
1P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 53, Leninskiy Prospekt, 119991, Moscow, Russia, 119991 GSP-1
2Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) 125993, 4 Volocolamsckoe sh.
Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (24) 2020, pages 24–34
Abstract Navigation is one of the main means to provide space missions. Travel through the deep space requires instruments, measuring the position of reference sources with increased accuracy, and precision measurements of the coordinates of the spacecraft and time intervals. Methods of data collection based on general relativity and their processing algorithms open up new possibilities for solving navigation problems. The article discusses the possibility of proposed networks of ultra-precise clocks for detecting sources of low-frequency gravitational waves generated by binary neutron stars and/or black holes after merger and acquisition. A registration scheme for gravitational waves with the help of this network is offered, and estimates of the accuracy of measurements are given. We consider the circuit of a ring quantum wave interferometer for recording the Lense-Thirring effect.
Key words: navigation, space, general theory of Relativity, Lense-Thirring, gravitational waves, interferometer, liquid helium.
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