Cartographic software of perspective magnetometric navigation systems

V.T. Minligareev, A.V. Alekseeva, Yu.M. Kachanovsky, V.V. Tregubov

Institute of Applied Geophysics named after Academician E.K. Fedorov, Moscow

Al’manac of Modern Metrology № 4 (24) 2020, pages 97–103

The publication provides theoretical data on the components of the Earth’s magnetic field, the displacement of magnetic poles and international models of the Earth’s main magnetic field. The analysis of maps of the Earth’s anomalous magnetic field (AMPS) is carried out, the results and prospects of the cartographic software of magnetic navigation systems (MNS) are shown. The scope of the obtained results of cartographic software is the creation of a geo-basis of the MNS, as well as the centralization and use of digital cartographic products (databases) for exploration, various studies in the field of Earth sciences.

Key words: anomalous magnetic field of the Earth, cartographic software, software, maps of AMPS, magnetometric navigation systems, database.

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